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All are welcome to join us!

Our in-person service is on Sundays at 10am

Holy Communion (Eucharist)

Dear Incarnation Family,


Due to heavy snow expected overnight and through to Sunday afternoon, I have made the decision to cancel our in-person worship service this Sunday. I want to ensure everyone's safety, and not have those who serve in the choir, on chancel, coffee, greeting, serving, screens, and warden duties risk driving in poor road/visibility conditions, especially those who live at a distance from the parish. 


For those who wish to do so, I will offer a modified Morning Prayer service on zoom at 10am on Sunday (our usual worship time). You can join by computer or phone (you obviously won't be able to see the service on the phone but you can listen!). 


To join by computer, simply click on the link for "Join Zoom Meeting" and then enter the passcode provided below (there is no waiting room, just enter the passcode when prompted):


Topic: Sunday Morning Prayer
Time: Feb 16, 2025 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 8980 8690
Passcode: 456428


To join by telephone, dial the Toronto number (647-558-0588) and follow the prompts to enter the meeting ID (876 8980 8690) followed by #, and then the password (456428) followed by #.


*** Note: We will email copies of the vestry report to you on Monday. Hard copies of the report can be picked up at the church Tuesday through Thursday from 9:30-1:30pm, and physical copies will be available the Sunday of vestry, February 23rd.


Don't forget to check out our "Announcements" page   

to see our Calendar of Church events and community gatherings



Church of the Incarnation

15 Clairtrell Drive

North York, ON, M2N 5J7

(Major Intersection: Bayview & Sheppard)

Contact Information





The Rev. Dr. Evan Silcox 

Rev. Evan's sermons can be found under the "blog" page





Our Mission
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~To listen to God's Word communicated to us in Scripture through our worship and prayer. This practice begins and grows out of our Sunday Communion/Eucharist worship service at 10:00am

~To seek, ask, and open ourselves to God as he transforms our thoughts, words and actions. This takes place in our various community groups and other worship and learning opportunities like Morning Prayer, Scripture conversations and prayer groups. 


~To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom to others. This takes place as we go out from our worship and prayer into our surrounding communities where we live and work.


~To teach, baptize and nurture new believers


~To respond to human need by loving service


~To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation


~To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

This Divinely given mission begins with receiving God's Word and life and offering ourselves back to him through worship on Sundays at 10:00am. All are welcome.

Climbing Plants

We coordinate our outreach ministry through The Diocese of Toronto's FaithWorks Ministries.

FaithWorks is a charitable programme of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto.  It offers support to Ministry Partners as they serve the needs of people who are Indigenous, homeless, hungry, at-risk women, children or youth, immigrants or refugees, or struggling with HIV/AIDS.  FaithWorks helps these partner organizations build communities of compassion and hope. 

Please click           to find out the latest updates to these outreach projects

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