In Christ's Ascension
The Wedding Robe of Grace
Empty Hands and the Bread of Life
Selling all we have stored up so that we might receive all that matters
On Judgment: the wheat and the weeds
Struggle, humility and hope
The Law
Who is God?
Why Does Jesus Ascend?
God the Spirit leads us in God the Christ to God the Father: A Gift of Recapitulation (thx Irenaeus)
Who do you say that I am? Jesus and his Father
The presence of invisible grace
He is Risen: God is with us
Good Friday: A Love Like This
Jesus's Lack of Entitlement
The seeds of love and life planted even in death
Heart of Darkness and Heart of Light
The Impotence of Being Born from Below; the Gift of Being Borne from Above
The Endless Well of Temptations
Lent Begins: The humility of recognizing your limits