Service Worship
Sunday Worship
All are welcome!
please join us every Sunday @ 10am
(Holy Eucharist and Communion)
Following all Sunday Service Worship is coffee hour
At 11am/after Sunday service, you are welcome to join in fellowship with one another in the Bruton room for coffee, tea, beverages and light snacks. This is a core and essential part of ministry where folks can share both the mundane and the profound things going on their lives. Come and be apart of it!
To see the readings for each Sunday in the Christian Year for Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and The Season After Pentecost, (and for special services, for example, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, etc.), please visit Vanderbilt's Revised Common Lectionary Page.
We are currently in "Year A 2022-2023": https://lectionary.library.vanderbilt.edu/
See our Announcements page
for more church events/community gatherings...