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Calendar of Events

Church Events

Senior Exercise Classes-Free!
Join us!
Every Tuesday @ 9:30-10:30am
in the Bruton Room

Bible Study
​​​​When: Every Tuesday, 7-8pm Zoom
This is an opportunity for deeper reflection on  scripture discussion, to ask questions or raise challenges with the passages. Rev. Evan will lead us in questions to get us thinking about what God is saying to us, as Christians.  Contact Rev. Evan for the zoom link, please see the "Home" page of this website for contact information. 


Morning Prayer

(from the Book of Common Prayer

BCP 1962 with updates)

When: Every Mon-Wed, 11:30am-12pm

Coffee: 11am, Prayer Service: 11:30am


1) In-person (Rev. Evan's office; please let him know if you are planning to attend in person to ensure we'll have enough seating). We have updated Book of Common Prayer booklets (for the King) available for in-person participants at the church

2) Through Zoom (the service will be shown on the screen).

Please email the office for the zoom link and passcode:

Community Gatherings 

Horizon's Group Meeting​
When: 4th Monday of each month 
Where: Zoom, 7pm-8:30pm. 

This is a mental health small support group where you can share struggles you or a loved one are having with mental and physical health issues.  Please contact the Church for the Zoom Link, go to the "Home" section of this website for the contact info.

Men's Fellowship Group
​When: Thursdays @ 10am
Where: Tim Horton's
(Yonge and Wedgewood Drive: 6001 Yonge Street)
This is a social gathering for Men, join us to "chat" about whatever topic happens to come up!

Pub Night
When: Second Friday of each month
The Frog (4854 Yonge Street) at 6:30pm
Join us for Pub Night with the folks from St. George's on Yonge
(on hold until further notice)
Our parish outreach is directed through the Diocese of Toronto's FaithWorks Program. Out of what we donate as a parish, 15% is retained by the parish for local outreach projects.

FaithWorks is a charitable programme of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto.  We offer support to our Ministry Partners as they serve the needs of people who are Indigenous, homeless, hungry, at-risk women, children or youth, immigrants or refugees, or struggling with HIV/AIDS.  We help them build communities of compassion and hope.      As followers of Jesus, we offer new life.

FaithWorks allows us to share our blessings with others who are vulnerable and marginalized right here in our community and around the world.

FaithWorks feeds, shelters, nurtures and befriends over 20,000 people in our communities and around the world every year.

FaithWorks has provided more than $35 million to Anglican-affiliated ministries over the last 25 years.
Click           to see our FaithWorks Ministry partners.

Click           to see how your donation will be used.

Click           to see some examples of FaithWorks supported projects

Click           to see the most recent news
Community Prayer Box


The prayer box is intended for people who live in the surrounding community - many of whom might not necessarily attend our church (yet!!) but who use our green space and community garden or our parking lot to cut through to the Bayview subway station - to submit prayer requests to us.  We will ensure we keep the prayer requests confidential. Our goal with the prayer box is to pray for the needs  of our community members.

Thanks, to Earle, Jimmy, and Carolyn for their extremely hard work of installing the box!


© 2022 by COTI

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